Presentation at Buchanan Institute

Our very own Joanna Sakali had the chance to present some of our core findings at the weekly workspace of Buchanan Institute on the 3rd of November. The event took place at the University of Edinburgh Lecture Theatre A. This was a great opportunity to share her experience as an Early Career Researcher with many fourth-year or MSc students, as well as disseminate some of the many interesting aspects of our project and the findings that stand out in our analysis, like gendered caregiving, new childcare arrangements and the wellbeing of different household types during COVID-19. The audience appeared quite intrigued by the subject and followed up with questions. Overall, it was a pleasant event that our youngest researcher, Joanna, had the opportunity to attend and be a guest speaker, inspiring senior students to start their research and policy journey after the end of their studies.


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Our project focuses on childcare and family welfare during Covid, seeking to support the wellbeing of children and their parents by informing the development of effective and responsive childcare policies during the pandemic and beyond.

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